Reading Recommendations

Reading positive mindset books empowers you to cultivate a mindset of abundance, resilience, and gratitude, enabling you to overcome obstacles, seize opportunities, and create the life of your dreams.

These recommended books have provided me with tremendous insight in claiming my own power and finding my voice.

They will become valuable companions on your quest for personal development, offering guidance on harnessing the power of positive thinking. Reading these books will assist you in cultivating self-love and acceptance, and manifesting your dreams into reality.

As you integrate the principles and practices outlined within these pages into your daily life, you witness profound shifts in your mindset, behavior, and outcomes. You will begin paving the way for a more fulfilling and purpose-driven existence.

Books I've Written

Art of Love by Comfort Rexburg

My Mentors' Books

These books, written by my mentors, have helped me to transform the way I perceive the world and have helped me to find my inner strength. Their ideas, translated into words, will help you to heal your heart and to recognize your inherent worth and possibilities. These transformative titles have helped thousands of people to re-frame their lives and find deeper meaning and peace. I know that as you bring the words of these books into your heart, you will feel a change begin deep within you.


By clicking on each book, you’ll be able to purchase the title.

The books linked on this page are part of my Affiliate account. When you click through to purchase one of these empowering titles, I will receive a small commission from your purchase. Commissions earned support me in my work.

My ultimate goal is to be a voice of good in the world. I love sharing my story and the success I’ve found in through the trials I’ve experienced because I know that when we share, we grow. Please visit my Resources for additional inspiration and support in your personal journey to self-love.